Sunday, October 16, 2011

Compass Project Week 2: Completing the Speed Squares

They say that time flies when you're having fun (and learning in a hands on way)...this was very true of our first week at Compass Project.  In fact, time passed so quickly during our first week in the workshop that we had to run to catch the bus before we even had a chance to clean up.  This week, I remembered to set my phone to go off 10 minutes before we had to catch the bus back to school so that we would be able to leave the workshop in order!

This week began with Allen, a retired engineer and Compass Project volunteer,  sharing his modified bicycle invention with us.  The kids were fascinated and amazed at how agile this machine was - truly an engineering feat.  After showing us how it worked, Allen even let the kids who wanted to take it for a spin...

 Allen demonstrates how his invention works...

Ahmed makes it look easy!

Andy takes a turn...

Elena after a successful trip around the parking lot!

Week two also had us finishing up our speed squares.  After a workshop safety review, the kids were back to work...

Merry and Wendy work on the speed square base...

Connor and Andy mark out their initial cuts...

Socheta on the band saw and James on the drill press as Shane looks on...

Ahmed uses the drill press to make the center hole in his speed square...

James prepares to make the kerf in his speed square base...

Andy puts the finishing touches on his project...

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